Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Two Rant Tuesday

Part One:

To borrow a phrase from Peter Griffin on Family Guy, I ask: “You know what really grinds my gears?” When people don’t use their frickin’ turn signals! A prime example happened to me just this morning on the way to work. I’m sitting at an intersection waiting to turn left, and there is a car coming from the opposite direction. It’s going a tad on the slow side, and I could probably have made it, but I decide to wait. And what happens? The guy slows down even more and ends up turning right. %$#@! If I had known what he was planning to do, I would have gone ahead and turned.

It’s just common courtesy (not to mention a safety issue) to let other drivers know where you’re going. I can’t tell you how often I’m held up or delayed because I had no idea what the nimrod in the next car was going to do.

And don’t even get me started on old farts who leave their turn signals on for several miles.



Carrie said...

And you know what else really gets me... when you can't find the droids that you're looking for.

katherine. said...

I almost got slammed the other day at a left turn because the oncoming car had his left turn signal on and I started to turn and he went STRAIGHT.

I am sure he was an eph-n tourist.

Anonymous said...

...or when they take FOREVER to turn. They slow down a mile back and then take two days to make the turn off the road! Grrr...