Wednesday, August 4, 2010
So Many Choices...
I have never been one to find it easy to make decisions… I even have difficulty deciding what color underwear to put on in the morning, or whether to have pizza or burgers for dinner. And then there are the really BIG decisions that completely paralyze me, and all brain function comes to a halt.
When most people come to a fork in the road, it’s a relatively simply matter of choosing left or right, A or B (or sometimes C)… but for me, it’s never that simple. More often than not, my mind sees choices as being more like that sign in the picture… a confusing, knotted mess.
My life right now is a bewildering maze of options and I simply don’t know which path to take. My job/career needs to go in a new direction, but I don’t know what… I want to get my writing off the ground, but have too many ideas and can’t decide/focus on just one… and don’t even get me started on the quandaries I face in the relationship sector…
There have been times lately when I wish Life did not present me with so many possible options… that I could just flow along and not have to make so many decisions. It’s not that I don’t want to have any choice at all in where my life goes, but I just wish that the right choices were a little more obvious… I have not had the best track record with making good choices in the past few years, and that is a big reason why I am so over-cautious about making choices now. I have made too many mistakes and I don’t want to make any more…
Well, at least I have decided to have pizza… No, wait! I’ll have burgers…
But, then again…
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Here I am again...
Once more, I brush away the cobwebs and try to resurrect my blog…
I feel, at heart, that I am a writer… not only is writing something that I want to do, but I feel in some ways that it’s something I am meant to do. But I have been neglecting that calling a lot lately, for numerous reasons that all amount to just excuses I create in my mind. I have been telling myself (and others) that I want to get back into my writing, and I have known all along that in the end, I simply have to DO it… To be a writer, I have to write.
But my writing is rusty and inflexible from disuse. Like any skill, I must practice and exercise my talents… and toward that end, I turn again to this sadly abandoned blog. I make no promises, but I hope to write here regularly—daily, if I can—and flex wings that have been clipped and bound for too long.
Perhaps the image of the mighty phoenix rising in a blaze of glory is too much of an over-statement for what I hope to accomplish here. I do not claim that anything I write here will be all that spectacular, literary, or even that entertaining… but I hope that readers (if there are any) will find something worth looking at. And if I manage on occasion to amuse or even enlighten a little, then so much the better…